
Elementor design ideas 4

In this article you will find a design idea that you can include as a header area or in the content. Here we need three sections. Before we devote ourselves to the three sections, the layout will be worked on first.

Under Layout, adjust the Height to Min Height. Under Height, you can also adjust the Minimum Height value. So you can set this to a value of 600. Finally, adjust the color.

In the first section add the widgets, headline and image. Now adjust the heading here and center the alignment of the heading. If your heading is too long, you can put <br> in the heading so that it splits into two parts. Now adjust the color of the heading.

Überschrift über Elementor

After you've customized the headline, you can also insert the image. The image is adjusted in style. The width is now adjusted to 80 and the height to 330. We should remember the same values as you will be using them in the next two sections.

Stil Bearbeitung Elementor

The first section is now complete. Now we come to the second section. Here you insert the widgets, the image, as well as the text editor. The image is hereby above the text. Now add an image and adjust the values in the style. You can insert your content in the text area. The second column is now complete. In this example, the last column consists of only one image. Insert the widget here and also select a suitable image. Under Style, you can also adjust the same values in the style here. After following these steps, the panel would now look like this.

Headerbild Elementor

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